Thought we would share over 78 of the reviews on that the Yelp Mafia felt were not important. The Yelp Mafia likes to filter almost every good review that my company gets because most of our clients that post reviews to their site are not DIE HARD YELPERS. I was told by a Yelp agent
"If you advertise with Yelp we will show these reviews to the public and it will increase your star rating"
These well regarded customers are just trying to share their personal experience with the public. And ("No Yelp we still do not wish to advertise with your company") Yelp thanks for offering your clients the wonderfully fair price to PAY ONE DOLLAR PER DAY to display our logo on our free profile, what a joke. Since Yahoo, Apple & Bing all refer or point to Yelp for reviews this leaves small companies to have about half of their reviews to be left on Yelps garbage bias "fuck the little man website". I sincerely hope that the average consumer knows that Yelp is basically a cartel exploiting small business. My guess would be that most consumers do not understand this. Customers say they’d rather pay more to a small business than a big one. However Companies like Yelp make small business look like they have a horrible star rating which in turn makes the customer go somewhere else. Who in their right mind hires a 3 star company? Nobody, If Yelp actually showed all our reviews we would have a 4.7 star rating. Unfortunately customers never even make it past the shitty star rating in search results and skip right past quality companies that genuinely care. However due to these unfair cartel style tactics, small businesses suffer.
I mean what do you think the odds are of a company having OVER 160 REVIEWS but Yelp only displays 81 of them to the public. I can only assume Yelps Superb Automated Review Software just thinks that hiding 78 - 5 Star
Reviews for a company that doesn't advertise with them is how a fair algorithm should work, this company is just as fake and predatory as the BBB (Better Business Bureau), " You must pay over $750 per year to be an accredited BBB Business"!!!!!!!!!!
Click on the link below to read them for yourself...
Do you need a Michigan Handyman with lots of satisfied references call (248) 506-4000 to speak to us, or fill out our free estimate form.