Tell us how we're doing and write a review about your experience with Michigan's Handyman
Online reviews are crucial for any business in this day in age. We welcome all reviews, good and bad. Of course we prefer the good ones. But in the rare case you feel you need to post a bad review. Please contact us first at (248) 506-4000 to give us a chance to try to make it right. We strive to make every customer completely satisfied.
Please try to post your review to Google First or try any other like Facebook, Yelp, BBB, Angie's List or Yellow Pages. Please only post to The Yelp Mafia if you use it Frequently. (Yelp HATES small businesses)
Please click a photo below, Then click on the "Write a Review" button then add photos if possible then share your experience you had with others. Takes 2 minutes or less.
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Oakland County Location

Please rate us however many “stars” you’d like and jot down a review of your experiences with us.
If you're unsure how. Here is a video explaining how:
Thank you, we appreciate it!
Do you need a Michigan Handyman with lots of satisfied references call (248) 506-4000 to speak to us, or fill out our free estimate form.